Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
To obtain the next panel, as seen here, we are working in vertical mode. This
mode was covered in Chapter 5 . We enter the comments as shown in the following
screenshot, and then click on Save :
These comments appear at various places, for example, in the export file (refer to
Chapter 6 ), on the PDF relational schema (refer to Chapter 15 ), and in browse mode, as
shown in the following screenshot:
If we do not want the comments to appear in browse mode, we can set
$cfg['ShowBrowseComments'] to FALSE . (It is TRUE by default.)
Column comments also appear as a tool tip in the Structure page, and column
names are underlined with dashes. To deactivate this behavior, we can set
$cfg['ShowPropertyComments'] to FALSE . (This one is also TRUE by default.)
Automatically migrating column comments
Whenever phpMyAdmin detects that column comments have been stored in its
metadata, it automatically migrates these column comments to the native MySQL
column comments.
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