Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The Structure only copy is done to create a test table with the same structure but
without the data.
Appending data to a table
The Copy dialog may also be used to append (add) data from one table to another.
Both tables must have the same structure. This operation is achieved by entering the
table to which we want to copy the data and choosing Data only .
For example, book data is coming from various sources (various publishers) in the
form of one table per publisher and we want to aggregate all the data to one place.
For MyISAM , a similar result can be obtained by using the Merge storage engine
(which is a collection of identical MyISAM tables). However, if the table is InnoDB , we
need to rely on phpMyAdmin's Copy feature.
Performing other table operations
On the table Operations interface, other dialogs may appear. The referential integrity
verification dialog will be covered in Chapter 10 . Partition maintenance will be
examined in Chapter 17 .
Multi-table operations
In the Database view, there is a checkbox next to each table name and a drop-down
menu under the table list. This enables us to quickly choose some tables and perform
an operation on all those tables at once. Here, we select the book-copy and the book
tables, and choose the Check table operation for the selected tables as shown in the
following screenshot:
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