Databases Reference
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PHP array
In PHP, associative arrays can hold text data; therefore, a PHP-array export format is
available. The following is a PHP array export of the author table:
$author = array(
array('id'=>1,'name'=>'John Smith','phone'=>'+1 445 789-1234'),
array('id'=>2,'name'=>'Maria Sunshine','phone'=>'333-3333')
MediaWiki tab le
MediaWiki ( http://www.mediawiki.or g/wiki/MediaWiki ) is a popular wiki
package, which supports the ubiquitous Wikipedia. This wiki software implements
a formatting language in which it's possible to describe data in tabular format.
Choosing this export format in phpMyAdmin produces a file which can be pasted on
a wiki page we are editing.
The JavaScrip t Object Notatio n ( ) is a data-interchange format
popular in the web world. Exporting the author table in this format is shown in the
following block of code:
Export to JSON plugin for PHPMyAdmin
@version 0.1
/* Database 'marc_book' */
/* */
[{"id": 1,"name": "John Smith","phone": "+01 445 789-1234"}, {"id":
2,"name": "Maria Sunshine","phone": "333-3333"}]
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