Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
SQL options are used to define exactly what information the export will contain. The
following screenshot depicts the general SQL options:
The general SQL options are:
Additional custom header comment : We can add our own comments for
this export (for example, Monthly backup ), which will show in the export
headers (after the PHP version number). If the comment has more than one
line, we must use the special character \n to separate each line.
Display foreign key relationships : In Chapter 10 , we will see that it's possible
to define relations even for tables under the MyISAM storage engine; this
option would export these relationship's definition as comments. These
cannot be directly imported, but nonetheless are valuable as human-readable
table information.
Display MIME types : This adds information (in the form of SQL comments),
to describe which MIME type has been associated to columns. Chapter 16
explains this further.
Enclose export in a transaction : Starting with MySQL 4.0.11, we can use
the START TRANSACTION statement. This command, combined with SET
AUTOCOMMIT=0 at the beginning and COMMIT at the end, asks MySQL to
execute the import (when we will re-import this file) in one transaction,
ensuring that all the changes are done as a whole.
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