Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The Table(s) sub-panel
This sub-panel contains a table selector, from which we choose the tables that we
want. By default, all tables are selected and we can use the Select All / Unselect All
links to change our choice.
The Output sub-panel
The default behavior is to transmit the export file via HTTP (the Save output to
a ile radio button being selected). This triggers a Save dialog into the browser,
which ultimately saves the file on our local machine. An alternative option would
have been to select View output as text , which can be done as a testing procedure,
provided that the exported data is of a reasonable size.
File name template
The name of the proposed file will obey the File name template field. In this template,
we can use the special @SERVER@ , @DATABASE@ , and @TABLE@ placeholders.
These placeholders will be replaced by the current server, database, or table name
(for a single-table export). Note that there is one "at sign" character before and after
the words. We can also use any special character from the PHP strftime function;
this is useful for generating an export file based on the current date or hour. Finally,
we can put any other string of characters (not part of the strftime special characters),
which will be used literally. The file extension is generated according to the type of
export. In this case, it will be .sql . Following are some examples for the template:
@DATABASE@ would generate marc_book.sql
@DATABASE@-%Y%m%d would give marc_book-20110920.sql
The use this for future exports option, when activated, stores the entered template
settings into cookies (for database, table, or server exports) and brings them back the
next time we use the same kind of export.
The default templates are configurable, via the following parameters:
$cfg['Export']['file_template_table'] = '@TABLE@';
$cfg['Export']['file_template_database'] = '@DATABASE@';
$cfg['Export']['file_template_server'] = '@SERVER@';
The possible placeholders such as @DATABASE@ are the same as those that can be used
for the window title and are described in Documentation.html , FAQ 6.27.
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