Databases Reference
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The $cfg['ProtectBinary'] parameter controls what can be done while editing
binary columns ( BLOB s and any other column with the binary attribute). The
default value blob blocks the BLOB columns from being edited but allows us to edit
other columns marked binary by MySQL. A value of all would block even binary
columns from being edited. A value of FALSE would protect nothing, thus allowing
us to edit all the columns. If we try the last choice, we see the following in the Edit
panel for this row:
The content of this BLOB column type has been converted in hexadecimal and the
UNHEX function is selected by default. We probably don't want to edit this image
data in hexadecimal but this is the best way of safely representing binary data on
screen. The reason for this hexadecimal representation is that the Show binary
contents as HEX display option (in Browse mode) is currently marked. But we did
not mark this option; it was checked because the $cfg['DisplayBinaryAsHex']
directive is TRUE by default.
Should we decide instead to not mark this option, we would see the following pure
binary data for this image:
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