Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
When we click on Go , another row is created with the modified information, leaving
the original row unchanged, shown as follows:
A shortcut link exists to achieve the same operation. When browsing the table,
clicking on Copy for a specific row brings the edit panel for this row and selects
Insert as new row instead of Save .
Multi-row editing
The multi-row edit feature enables us to use checkboxes on the rows we want to edit,
and use the Change link (or the pencil-shaped icon) in the With selected menu. The
Check All / Uncheck All links can also be used to quickly check or uncheck all the
boxes. We can also click anywhere on the row's data to activate the corresponding
checkbox. To select a range of checkboxes, we can click the first checkbox of the
range, and then Shift + Click on the last checkbox of the range.
Upon clicking on Change , an edit panel containing all the chosen rows appears. The
editing process may continue while the data from these rows is seen, compared,
and changed. When we mark some rows with the checkboxes, we can also perform
two other actions on them— Delete (refer to the Deleting multiple rows section in this
chapter) and Export (refer to Chapter 6 ).
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