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Given that the same customer may appear many times in the Customer SCD attribute
hierarchy after Type II changes have taken place, and that the end user may be
confused by this, it makes sense to hide the Customer SCD attribute hierarchy by
setting its AttributeHierarchyVisibleState to False . The user can instead use
the Customer attribute hierarchy to view individual customers. However, it's also
likely that we would want to build a user hierarchy that would allow users to drill
from Country to City and down to Customer . With the attribute relationships
modeled previously, we would have two options, neither of which would be ideal:
Build the user hierarchy with levels based on the Country attribute
hierarchy, the City attribute hierarchy, and the Customer SCD attribute
hierarchy. This would be a natural user hierarchy so you would get optimal
performance, especially important on a dimension such as Customer that can
be very large. But, what would happen if a customer got married, and this
created a new row in the dimension table? A new member would be created
on Customer SCD , so when the user drilled down from the City level they
might see the same Customer listed twice, once in their unmarried state and
once in their married state; clearly not a good thing.
Build the user hierarchy with levels based on the Country attribute
hierarchy, the City attribute hierarchy, and the Customer attribute hierarchy.
This would ensure the user only ever saw one instance of a customer per
city, but it would also be an unnatural user hierarchy and would therefore
perform worse.
One solution to this problem is to create an extra attribute hierarchy to represent
unique combinations of individual customers and cities, with a composite key based
on the CustomerAlternateKey business key and the key used for the City attribute
hierarchy. This would allow us to model the attribute relationships as follows:
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