Database Reference
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Monitoring usage with Dynamic Management
DMVs are very useful way to get a snapshot of the current state of Analysis Services.
As DMVs can be queried by any client that can connect to Analysis Services, we can
build Reporting Services reports that access this information directly, with minimum
latency. For example, we can get a detailed list of active client connections by using
the following command:
The result of this query includes the username, the client application, the
date/time when the connection started, and the date/time of the last command.
For each connection, there is always a user session; a list of these sessions can be
obtained with the following command:
In the resultset, for each session we can see the last command issued and the
current database, the date/time when the connection started and the date/time
of the last command.
Finally, we can see a list of all currently executing commands with the
following statement:
The resultset will contain nonuser-related activity such as active traces, queries
to metadata information, and so on. We will probably want to concentrate
our attention on only those commands that are consuming CPU or that are
engaged in read/write activity (the columns COMMAND_CPU_TIME_MS ,
and COMMAND_WRITE_KB provide this type of information).
Activity Viewer
A better way to query DMVs is to use a tool specifically designed for this purpose.
Unfortunately, SQL Server Management Studio does not have any features to do
this for Analysis Services, but there are several versions of a tool called Activity
Viewer (one each for Analysis Services 2005, 2008, 2012 and 2014), which can be
used to monitor Analysis Services state.
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