Database Reference
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Be careful while using the Currency built-in format: it will format values with
the currency symbol for the locale specified in the Language property of the
cube. This combination of the Currency format and the Language property
is frequently recommended for formatting measures that contain monetary
values, but setting this property will also affect the way number formats
are displayed. For example, in the UK and the USA, the comma is used as a
thousand separator, but in continental Europe it is used as a decimal separator.
As a result, if you wanted to display a currency value to a user in a locale that
didn't use that currency, then you could end up with confusing results. The
value €100,101 would be interpreted as a value just over one hundred Euros
to a user in France, but in the UK, it would be interpreted as a value of just
over one hundred thousand Euros. You can use the desired currency symbol
in the FormatString property instead, for example, $#,#.00 , but this will
not have an effect on the thousands and decimal separators used, which will
always correspond to the Language setting. You can find an example of how
to change the language property using a scoped assignment in the MDX Script
here: .
Similarly, while Analysis Services 2008 and later versions support the
translation of captions and member names for users in different locales,
unlike in previous versions, it will not translate the number formats used.
As a result, if your cube might be used by users in different locales you need
to ensure they understand whichever number format the cube is using.
Many cubes have a lot of measures on them, and as with dimension hierarchies, it's
possible to group measures together into folders to make it easier for your users to
find the one they want. Most, but not all, client tools support display folders, so it
may be worth checking whether the one you intend to use does.
By default, each measure group in a cube will have its own folder containing all of
the measures on the measure group; these top-level measure group folders cannot
be removed and it's not possible to make a measure from one measure group appear
in a folder under another measure group. By entering a folder name in a measure's
DisplayFolders property, you'll make the measure appear in a folder underneath its
measure group with that name; if there isn't already a folder with that name, then one
will be created and folder names are case-sensitive. You can make a measure appear
under multiple folders by entering a semicolon delimited list of names, as follows:
Folder One; Folder Two
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