Travel Reference
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further research to address its shortcomings. The contribution this topic
makes to the tourism literature, then, is threefold:
• It is the first 'encyclopaedia' of family tourism - a compendium that
summarises contemporary information relating to the study of families
in tourism now and in the future.
• It provides an academic foundation for the field of families in tourism by
way of a conceptual framework, definition, theorisation, contextualisa-
tion and social lens.
• It presents a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, global and future-orien-
tated approach to understanding families on holiday that acknowledges
their sociality, domesticity, fluidity, multidimensionality and ideology.
What emerges is that family holidays are far from being mundane and trivial
but are much more complex and intriguing than previously acknowledged in
research debates. We hope that you will enjoy reading the various chapters
in this topic as a demonstration of the application of the study of families
to tourism.
Heike Schänzel
Ian Yeoman
Elisa Backer
The Editors
Backer, E. (2012) VFR travel: it is underestimated. Tourism Management , 33(1), 74-79.
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Aldershot: Ashgate.
Beioley, S. (2004) Meet the family - family holidays in the UK. Tourism Insights , January.
Retrieved 19 September 2011 from
Benchley, N. (2001) The Benchley Roundup: A Selection by Nathaniel Benchley of His Favorites .
Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Blichfeldt, B.S. (2006) A Nice Vacation (IME Report 8/06). Esbjerg: University of Southern
Denmark. Retrieved 19 September 2011 from
Blichfeldt, B.S., Pedersen, B.M.I., Johansen, A. and Hansen, L. (2011) Tweens on holidays.
In-situ decision-making from children's perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Hospital-
ity and Tourism , 11(2), 135-149.
Bojanic, D.C. (1992) A look at a modernized family life cycle and overseas travel. Journal
of Travel and Tourism Marketing , 1(1), 61-79.
Carr, N. (2002) The tourism-leisure behavioural continuum. Annals of Tourism Research ,
29(4), 972-986.
Carr, N. (2006) A comparison of adolescents' and parents' holiday motivations and
desires. Tourism and Hospitality Research , 6(2), 129-142.
Carr, N. (2011) Children's and Families' Holiday Experiences . London: Routledge.
Crompton, J.L. (1979) Motivations for pleasure vacation. Annals of Tourism Research , 6(4),
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