Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The more children
shop the more they
in uence parental
Children in uence
holiday choice
According to
research by
University children
in uence 50% of
holiday choice
DMOs ignore children
Future market
Tourists of tomorrow
Current market
Strong in uencers
In uencers
The concept of
creative tourism
Pester power
Children understand
the purchasing
Figure 12.9 Conceptual map of consumer kids and tourists
this chapter lies in highlighting the importance of targeting young tourists
and how this can be achieved by appealing and engaging; this is essential, as
their experiences will affect future family holiday patterns as they are the
next generation of travellers.
Chapter 11 - Future Family Life Cycle
This chapter explored the traditional family life cycle (FLC) model,
suggested that it is becoming increasingly outdated and questioned its
continued usefulness (Figure 12.10). The FLC was based mainly on US
family structures and perceives consumers as having differentiated patterns
based on the successive stages in the model. While the natural progression
from singles, to couples, to having children, retiring and being a solitary
survivor is a depiction of life in the past, an increasing proportion of people
exist outside this model, making it potentially obsolete. Increasingly, people
remain single with no children (SINKs) or couples elect not to have children
(DINKs), and there are also families with different sexual orientations who
do not fit the model. This chapter is based on an Australian survey study
conducted in 2011 which found that 19.8% of respondents did not fit the
FLC. The key contribution of this chapter is highlighting the need for new
life cycle models to be developed to reflect societal changes.
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