Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Displaying a
In this chapter we shall learn how a program can display a drawing in a panel. For
now, the drawing is predefined and cannot be altered by the user.
To display graphics we use panels as canvases. The whole rectangular area of a
panel can be used to draw on, no matter whether it is currently visible or not.
The central means for drawing is method paintComponent of class JPanel . This
method redraws the panel. It is automatically called by the runtime system when
necessary; for example, when the GUI is resized. All the commands to draw some-
thing into the panel should therefore be put into that method. More precisely we
override paintComponent to add our own commands.
It is important never to call paintComponent directly in order to initiate a
redrawing. To do that, one calls the repaint() -method of the panel. This is done
to avoid conflicts between redrawing and other operations of the runtime system.
A call to repaint does not immediately repaint a component. Instead it tells the
runtime system that one would like the component to be redrawn. The system
calls paintComponent after other pending actions have been completed; see also
Chapter 20.
Method paintComponent
Method paintComponent of class JPanel has the following syntax:
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
It receives a parameter g of type Graphics . This is an abstract class from the AWT
library. A Graphics object connects the Java drawing commands to the actual
drawing mechanism of the current computer. The class Graphics also provides
methods to draw into a panel. As we will never call paintComponent directly,
we do not have to construct a Graphics object; this is done by the operating
To add our own drawings to a panel we extend paintComponent by adding
graphics commands. To this end we override paintComponent .Ofcourse we do
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