Java Reference
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TabbedPane( int tabPosition);
add(Component comp);
add(String tabText, Component comp);
add(Component comp, int index);
setTitleAt( int pos, String tabTitle);
setSelectedComponent(Component comp);
setSelectedIndex( int pos)
TabbedPane() - constructor. The tabs are placed on the upper edge.
TabbedPane(int tabPosition) - constructor in which one can specify the posi-
tion of the tabs. The four values for parameter tabPosition are predefined in
class JTabbedPane : TOP , BOTTOM , LEFT , RIGHT .
add(Component comp) adds comp as last page. 'Last' means that the tab is the
right-most (or bottom-most) one. The tab does not have any text.
add(String tabText, Component comp) adds comp as last page. 'Last' means that
the tab is the right-most (or bottom-most) one. The tab is labelled by tabTitle .
add(Component comp, int index) adds comp such that the corresponding tab is
at position index . The tab does not have any text.
setTitleAt(int pos, String tabTitle) assigns a new text tabTitle to the tab
at position pos .
setSelectedComponent(Component comp) selects the page containing compo-
nent comp , i.e. this page is made visible.
setSelectedIndex(int pos) selects the page whose tab is at position pos , i.e.
this page is made visible.
The listing TabbedPaneFrame below shows how to use a tabbed pane. As we do not
add any new functions we use a JTabbedPane and do not extend it into a new class.
The tabbed pane is glued into a frame. Then four components are added to to the
tabbed pane. At first we add two JLabel s, each displaying an image. Then we add
red ColorPanel . This is defined in the package its.SimpleFrameWithPanels .
Finally we add a JTextArea which contains some text describing what the four
components are. The JTextArea is added at position 0 so that its tab is the
left-most. We then set the selected index to 1 which makes the image of the plum
visible. The result is shown in Figure 16.10.
File: its/TabbedPane/
1. package its.TabbedPane;
3. import its.SimpleFrame.SimpleFrame;
4. import its.SimpleFrameWithPanels.ColorPanel;
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