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so) by different (artificial, human, institutional, and so on) trustees, she will decide to live in
one in which her more relevant (with higher priority) potential goals will be better supported.
So we can say that Trust disposition is in fact a real, very important regulator of agents'
behavior and goal selection.
Even the decision to trust can be conditional or hypothetical; I have already decided that, I
have the future directed intention: '(if it will be the case) to address myself to Y ,totrust,to
rely on Y '. I have already decided, but, actually, I am not trusting him (as decision in action
and act).
So, Figure 2.1, on trust stages and layers, should be even more articulated: in a potential
trust attitude ( (pre)disposition ) versus a richer trust attitude ( disposition ) contained in a trust
decision. We have to sophisticate a bit our analysis of the cognitive attitude of trust, by
explaining that such a nucleus evolves in fact from its preliminary stage (before the decision)
to its inclusion in the decision.
It is important to realize that the disposition kernel of the decision, intention, and action
of (en)trusting includes or presupposes the first kind and nucleus of trust that we have just
characterized (evaluation, prediction) but is broader, or better it is the actualization of it.
We pass from a potential evaluation/expectation to an actual one. There is a difference
between the mere preliminary and potential judgment 'One can trust Y ', ' Y is trustworthy',
and the executive prediction that Y will actually (in that circumstance) do as expected and will
realize the goal. X passes from the beliefs 2.5 and 2.6 (and the Belief that q ) to the additional
and derived belief ( 2.7 ):
Bel X <
Can Y (
> p
that means: X believes that Y is able and in condition to do
and the result of this action
would be p true in the world (which is a positive evaluation of Y and of the context); and
Bel X
( q
Do Y (
> p
that means: X believes that there is a condition q able to activate the performance
of Y ;if
35 (a prediction and just a 'potential' expectation , since not
necessarily X , while evaluating Y relative to the goal resulting from
it will be the case, Y will do
, do currently have such
a goal (Miceli and Castelfranchi, 2000).
Bel X
Will - Do Y (
> p
that means: X believes that Y will do the action and will achieve p (which is in fact combined
with the active goal that Do Y (
) and thus is a real expectation ), and also contains the expectation
and of its desired outcome p (the goal X is relying on Y for).
We call the formulas ( 2.5 ) and ( 2.6 )the potential evaluation and mental attitude towards Y :
trust pre-disposition ; and the mental attitude towards Y and ( 2.7 ) in the decision to rely on
him: trust disposition .
35 Where q is something like: “if X will need his help”; “if X will make the request”, “if it will happen that ... .”,
and so on.
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