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if Ag x asks for departure time, provide departure time & gate
if Ag x asks for action
that has result r & not able to perform
& able to
α with the same result r , then perform
α >
The previous behaviors are in fact a kind of over-help although the performing agent does
not conceive any help (the real adopter is the programmer writing such a rule).
The same remains true in the case of a rule-based delegated agent: the agent could have
simple rules for abstaining from doing everything itself
' while inducing - via some protocols
- the needed action in another agent, or for abstaining from doing by itself
α when receiving
information (communication protocol; observation) about another agent already doing the
needed action.
In sum, several basic phenomena and issues (of delegating, adopting, monitoring, interven-
ing, changing delegation, etc.) are held and recognized also by non-cognitive agents and can
be incorporated in a procedural emulation of a really social interaction.
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