Environmental Engineering Reference
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Table 5.1 Network representation of flow partitioning into five modes for any (i, j) pair in
a system
Pair-wise interaction
System-wide contribution
f ð 0 Þ ¼ P f ð 0 Þ
j 0
Mode 0 (boundary input)
f ð 0 Þ
j 0
¼ z j
z j
f ð 1 Þ ¼ PP f ð 1 Þ
Mode 1 (first passage)
f ð 1 Þ
n ij
n ii d ij
f ð 2 Þ ¼ PP f ð 2 Þ
Mode 2 (cyclic)
f ð 2 Þ
n ij
n ii ð
n ii
z j
z j
f ð 3 Þ ¼ PP f ð 3 Þ
Mode 3 (dissipation)
f ð 3 Þ
n ij
n ii d ij
f ð 4 Þ ¼ P f ð 4 Þ
0 j
Mode 4 (boundary output)
f ð 4 Þ
0 j
y j
steady state is actually composed of flow elements of all orders, m = 1, 2,
fact, a major result of this flow analysis is that indirect flows can dominate direct
flows: P 2 G m
G. In the above developments F, T, z, and y represent matter or
energy fluxes, and G and N are dimensionless intensive flows.
Finn [ 7 ] developed a cycling index using this basic approach and, Higashi et al. [ 8 ]
described a three-mode partition of the flows, expanded by Fath et al. [ 9 ]intofive
modes ( Table 5.1 ). Mode 0 is the boundary input into the system. Mode 1 accounts for
all flow in which substance moves from node j to a terminal node i for the first time
only without cycling. Mode 2 is flow cycled at terminal nodes i of each (i, j) pair. Mode
3 is component-wise dissipative flow in the sense that it exits from node i never to
return again to i. Mode 4 is the boundary output from i constituting systemically
dissipative flows exiting the system ( Fig. 5.2 ). d ij is the Kronecker delta defined by d ij
= 1 for i = j and d ij =0fori
Note, the symmetry in that quantitatively Mode 0 = Mode 4, and Mode 1 =
Mode 3. This is due to the conservation of mass/energy and at steady state what
comes in must go out. Mode 2 represents the cycled flow which has additional
impact on the system by staying in the system longer, increasing the residence
time, and returning to its source of emanation. Therefore,
total system
throughflow can be written as:
f ð 0 Þ þ
f ð 1 Þ þ
f ð 2 Þ ¼
f ð 2 Þ þ
f ð 3 Þ þ
f ð 4 Þ
And, on a nodal basis, throughflow is:
z j þ
n ij
n ii d ij
n ij
n ii ðn ii 1 Þz j
T ij ¼ f ð 0 Þ
þf ð 1 Þ
þf ð 2 Þ
¼ z j d ij þ
z j
n ij
n ii d ij
n ij
n ii
d ij
n ij
n ij z j
The mode partition designation clearly shows the contribution of flow within the
entire system of interactions.
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