Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Future Directions
The ecology of species and ecosystems is incredibly complicated and there are still
many knowledge gaps regarding species diversity and its exact role within ecosys-
tem function. Further research is needed to more fully explain this relationship and
inform conservation action and policy. However, urgent action is also needed to
conserve species as it can be confidently predicted that there is already a movement
toward the next mass extinction [ 50 , 86 ]. This is especially critical as the year 2050
is approached when the Earth will need to provide enough natural resources for an
estimated 9.2 billion people [ 87 ]. Addressing the biodiversity crisis and all its
consequences for humanity requires rapid movement toward governance structures
and economic systems that encourage the sustainable use of Earth's natural
resources. If this effort is to be successful, it cannot be limited to traditional
conservationists; it must have the strong support of society as a whole and include
leaders from a range of sectors such as engineering, medicine, finance,
communications, business, and the arts.
1. Magurran AE, Gill BJ (2011) Biological diversity: frontiers in measurement and assessment.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK
2. Hurlbert S (1971) The nonconcept of species diversity: a critique and alternative parameters.
Ecology 52:577-586
3. Hamilton AJ (2004) Species diversity or biodiversity? J Environ Manage 75:89-92
4. Whittaker RH (1960) Vegetation of the Siskiyou mountains, Oregon and California. Ecol
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5. Mace GM (2004) The role of taxonomy in species conservation. Philos Trans R Soc Lond
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6. Mace GM, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2003) Preserving the tree of life. Science 300:1707-1709
7. Hey J (2001) The mind of the species problem. Trends Ecol Evol 16:326-329
8. Mayden RL (1997) A hierarchy of species concepts: the denouement in the saga of the species
problem. In: Claridge MF et al (eds) Species: the units of biodiversity. Chapman and Hall,
London, pp 381-424
9. Mallet J (2006) Species concepts. In: Fox CW, Wolf JB (eds) Evolutionary genetics: concepts
and case studies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp 367-373
10. Mace GM, Masundire H, Baillie JEM (2005) Biodiversity. In: Hassan R, Sholes R, Ash N (eds)
Millennium ecosystem assessment, 2005 Current state and trends: findings of the condition and
trends working group Ecosystems and human well-being, vol 1, chapter 4. Island Press,
Washington, DC
11. Mayr E (1963) Animal species and evolution. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, UK
12. Hay J (2000) Genes, categories and species: the evolutionary and cognitive causes of the
species problem. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK
13. Isaac NJB, Mallett J, Mace GM (2004) Taxonomic inflation: its influence on macroecology
and conservation. Trends Ecol Evol 19(9):464-469
14. Ward BB (2002) How many species of prokaryotes are there? Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
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