Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
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113. Rinella MJ, Maxwell BD, Fay PK, Weaver T, Sheley RL (2009) Control effort exacerbates
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114. Louda SM, Arnett AE, Rand TA, Russell FL (2003) Invasiveness of some biological control
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115. Callaway RM, DeLuca TH, Belliveau WM (1999) Biological-control herbivores may
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116. Lonsdale WM, FitzGibbon F (2011) The known unknowns - managing the invasion risk from
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117. Andow DA, Zwahlen C (2006) Assessing environmental risks of transgenic plants. Ecol Lett
Topics and Reviews
Catford JA, Jansson R, Nilsson C (2009) Reducing redundancy in invasion ecology by integrating
hypotheses into a single theoretical framework. Divers Distrib 15:22-40
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