Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The following is an example of the logs produced by the ActiveDataPage log-
In this example, the ChangeList XML payload contains the index , the
viewsetID attributes, and the Record of the Data Object (Employee Data
Object in the /Samples folder), which are passed to the client (Web browser)
by the Report Server through the invocation of the Act-
iveDataPage.flushAllActiveData method. Thus, you can utilize the
ActiveDataPage logger and the generated logs to determine whether the Re-
port Server has asynchronously pushed the Active Data to the client success-
Enabling ActiveDataViewSet
You should set up the logging level for the ActiveDataViewSet logger to
TRACE:32 (FINEST) , in order to view the ChangeList processing informa-
tion in detail. The log entries typically include the following information:
processing index: This is the index of the ChangeList being currently
last index: This is the index of the previously processed ChangeList
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