Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Fun Facts San Francisco Firsts
1847 The California Star, a f our-page weekly, becomes the first new spaper
published in San F rancisco.
1848 The first public school in C alifornia opens in San F rancisco.
1852 The first legal ex ecution in San F rancisco takes plac e on Russian H ill.
1860 The first Pony Express rider begins a trip from Missouri to San Francisco.
The 2,000-mile journey takes 10 da ys.
1880 The w orld's first motion pic ture pr emiers at the San F
rancisco Ar t
Association Hall.
1888 The poem “Casey at the Bat ” by Ernest L. Thayer is published f or the
first time in the San Francisco Examiner newspaper.
1911 The San F rancisco Symphony plays its first season.
1912 Women in San F rancisco vote for the first time .
1937 Harold Wobber becomes the first person t o commit suicide b y jump-
ing off the Golden G ate Bridge.
1944 San F rancisco Ballet pr oduces the first full-length danc e pr oduction
of The Nutcracker in the Unit ed States.
1952 The Bay Area Educational Television company is f ounded, eventually
becoming KQED, one of the first public br oadcasting companies in America.
1964 The Condor Club in Nor th Beach bec omes the c ountry's first t opless
dance bar.
1965 The band f ormerly k nown as The Warlocks plays for the first time as
The Grateful Dead at San F rancisco's Fillmore Auditorium.
1977 Harvey M ilk is elec ted t o the San F rancisco Boar d of Super visors,
becoming the first openly ga y man to be elected to major public office in the
United States.
suites with full kitchens and discounts
for stays longer than 5 days. S ee p. 97.
The kitchen units at the Marina Motel
(2576 Lombard St.; & 800/346-6118
or 415/921-9406) are available to those
staying 7 nights or mor
The Halcyon H otel (649 J ones S t.;
& 800/627-2396 or 415/929-8033)
also offers bare-boned, but inexpensive,
rooms with kitchenettes designed for
guests staying for a w eek at a time. S ee
p. 82.
e. S ee p . 98.
Best Burger: At $7 for a cheeseburger ,
the burgers at Burger Joint (700 Haight
St.; & 415/864-3833 and 807 Valen-
cia St.; & 415/824-3494 ) don't come
cheap. Considering they 're made with
only the finest ingr edients, including
naturally raised N iman Ranch beef ,
they're worth every penny. See p. 142.
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