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Tips Dining Out in Peace
Set the gr ound rules. Before entering a r estaurant, remind kids that y ou
are going t o a special plac e and that a f ew key rules apply , such as inside
voices and good manners .
Bring entertainment. Crayons, markers, paper, stickers, and so on, will give
your children something to do while awaiting their food. If the kids are old
enough, bring post cards for them t o write.
Try word games. “I Spy” is a good one . Another w ord game in volves one
person naming something in a cat egory, such as f ood. The nex t person
names a w ord in the same cat egory that star ts with the last lett er of the
previous word (for example, orange, eggplant, tomato, onion . . .).
Remember the v alue of c onversation. Talk with y our k ids about what
you did during the da y or what y ou have planned f or the nex t one. That
will help pass the time and enc ourage restaurant-appropriate behavior.
Decide who's “on duty.” Decide ahead of time which adult will ha ve t o
interrupt his or her meal , should a child ac t up. Take turns at each meal .
Use time -outs. I f y our normally polit e child ac ts up , immediat ely and
quietly take him or her outside . This will avoid embarrassment, and will be
a lesson t o the child . You shouldn't have to do this mor e than a f ew times
before your child gets the message .
Make exceptions. Your child ma y normally drink milk with dinner . Permit
him or her t o ha ve a Shirley Temple (7Up and g renadine with a cherr y).
This will make dinner out seem special .
Use rewards and briber y. Tell kids that if they beha ve well and eat their
dinner, they 'll get a bo wl of vanilla ic e cream for dessert.
Be flexible. I f the k ids are tired, sk ip the appetiz ers or or der food that is
quick to prepare. If they've reached their limit, ha ve one par ent take them
outside to stretch their legs or look f or a desser t spot while the other par-
ent pays the bill .
Slow down. Before dinner, take them back t o the hot el for a nap t o rest
up or t o a pla yground to let loose some pent-up ener gy.
Eat early . I f y ou plan t o eat at a mor e elegant r estaurant or if it 's the
weekend, arriv e early, bef ore the r estaurant gets full . (Plan a post- dinner
walk or ac tivity, such as seeing the sea lions at F isherman's Wharf in sum-
mer or the Union S quare Christmas tr ee in wint er.)
Do lunch. Some of the cit y's finer r estaurants are open for lunch. Why not
make lunch y our special meal of the da y? The ambienc e ma y be mor e
kid-friendly, the pric es lower, and y our children better behaved. Then you
can all ha ve pizza f or dinner, and y ou won't feel you've missed out.
Relax. San Franciscans are very friendly, and most restaurants are delighted
to have children come dine with them.
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