Biology Reference
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Figure 8.4 Long (or high-fidelity) PCR is more sensitive by 6 orders of magnitude than standard,
allele-specific PCR when microbial DNA is mixed with insect DNA ( Hoy et al. 2001 ). The same tem-
plate DNA (a plasmid containing both the nus G- rp /K and 16S sequences) from the greening bac-
terium was serially diluted from 10 nanograms (ng) to 1 fentogram (fg) and added to 10ng of
parasitoid, Tamarixia radiata , DNA. A) 16S primers were used in a standard, allele-specific PCR pro-
tocol. Detectable products are in lanes 4 and 5 only. B) nus G- rp /K primers were used in a standard,
allele-specific PCR protocol. Weak products are seen in lanes 4 and 5. C) nus G- rp /K primers were used
with a Long PCR protocol. Strong products were produced in lanes 4-11. Lane 1, DNA size marker;
lane 2, no template-DNA control; lane 3, 10 ng of T. radiata DNA only control; lanes 3-11 contain T.
radiata DNA + 10 ng, 1 ng, 100 pg, 10 pg, 1 pg, 100 fg, 10 fg, and 1 fg of the plasmid DNA, respectively.
8.4.9 Multiplex PCR
More than one pair of primers can be used to amplify multiple PCR products
( Sambrook and Russell 2001, Hamiduzzaman et al. 2010, Meeus et al. 2010 ,
Ravikumar et al. 2011 ). In multiplex PCR , the goal is to amplify several segments
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