Java Reference
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where doing so is not allowed. For example, you can't access the display of a MIDlet before the
corresponding startApp() method is invoked by the system.
Additions to
MIDP adds an HttpConnection for HTTP connections to the generic connection framework.
The HttpConnection class is described in detail in Chapter 6 .
Package javax.microedition.midlet
The javax.microedition.midlet package is a completely new package of MIDP. It mainly
contains the class MIDlet , encapsulating the life cycle of an MIDP application. The MIDlet
class can be compared to an applet to some extent, except that it is not related to the display. The
life cycle of MIDP applications—including the MIDlet class—is described in detail in Chapter 3 .
Package javax.microedition.lcdui
The javax.microedition.lcdui package contains the graphical user interface (GUI) classes
for MIDP. These classes are not compatible to J2SE and provide only very basic elements
adequate to the limited display of a mobile information device. The MIDP GUI classes are
described in detail in Chapter 3 , together with the MIDP application life cycle.
Package javax.microedition.rms
MIDP does not contain a file system, but instead uses a record management API for persistent
storage. The record system is more adequate to the persistent memory of mobile devices, where
data is usually stored persistently in random access memory instead of sequential files. The record
management system is described in detail in Chapter 5 , "Data Persistency."
PDA Profile
Like the MID Profile, the PDA Profile makes many additions to the CLD Configuration required
for the targeted class of devices. Because PDAP is a superset of MIDP, all MIDP packages and
CLDC additions are available in PDAP. Please note that PDAP 1.0 is based on CLDC 1.1, in
contrast to MIDP 1.0, which is based on CLDC 1.0.
In addition to the MIDP additions to CLDC, PDAP provides a more sophisticated user interface
based on a subset of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and access to the device address and
calendar databases.
Package java.awt and Subpackages
In contrast to MIDP, PDAP does not provide a user interface API designed from scratch. The
PDAP user interface is a subset of the J2SE AWT classes.
Package javax.microedition.pim
The personal information management classes provide access to the built-in calendar and address
book databases of the PDA. The pim classes are described in detail in Chapter 7 , "PIM: Accessing
the Personal Information Manager."
Additions to
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