Java Reference
In-Depth Information
It is not necessary for the JAR and JAD files to be in the same directory. The MIDlet-jar-url
can point to any valid HTTP URL that references the corresponding JAR file.
Hello PDAP
Unfortunately, at the time this topic was printed, no official PDAP implementation was available.
However, we expect the compilation steps to be similar to compiling MIDP programs, except
from using a different bootclasspath .
Actually, because PDAP is a complete superset of MIDP, the MIDP example contained in Listing
1.2 i s a valid PDAP example as well. However, a "true" PDAP application will take advantage of
the more sophisticated AWT-based user interface capabilities of PDAP. In order to sketch the
differences, Listing 1.4 contains a PDAP example with the corresponding modifications.
Listing 1.4 —The HelloPdap Sample Source Code
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
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