Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Event and ToDo .
The PIMList interface defines all methods necessary for a list that is capable
of storing PIMElement s. Interfaces extending the PIMList interface are
C ontactList , EventList and ToDoList .
The ToDo interface defines all methods that need to be implemented by an
e ntry of a ToDoList .
The ToDoList interface defines all methods that needs to be implemented by
a ToDoList object which is used to store ToDo elements.
EventRepeat The EventRepeat class represents a description for a repeating pattern for
a n Event element.
The PIM class is used to access all PIM databases which are available on the
d evice by providing static access methods.
PimException The PimException is thrown to indicate that a general error in the pim
c lasses occurred.
PDAP Additions to the package
PDAP adds the PrintWriter class which is used to print formatted representations of objects to a
text-output stream.
PDAP Additions to the java.lang.reflect package
PDAP adds the InvocationTargetException that can be thrown in the java.awt.
EventQueue.invokeAndWait() method.
PDAP Additions to the package
PDAP need to add the following class and exception to the package.
URL The URL class represents a Uniform Resource Locator, a pointer
t o a "resource" on the World Wide Web.
MalformedURLException The MalformedURLException is thrown to indicate that a
malformed URL has occurred.
PDAP Additions to the java.util package
PDAP need to add the following class and exception to the package.
EventListener The EventListener interface is a tagging interface that all event listener
interfaces must extend.
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