Java Reference
In-Depth Information
PDAP-Specific Packages
The java.awt , java.awt.event , java.awt.image , javax.microedition.pim and the
additions to the , , java.util packages are available in PDAP only.
The java.awt Package
This package contains all the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images
for implementation of user interfaces for PDAP applications.
ActiveEvent ActiveEvent provides an interface for events that know how dispatch
themselves. By implementing this interface, an event can be placed upon
the event queue and its dispatch() method will be called when the
e vent is dispatched, using the EventDispatchThread .
Adjustable The Adjustable interface is used for objects having an adjustable
n umeric value contained within a bounded range of values.
ItemSelectable The ItemSelectable provides an interface for objects containing a set
o f items for which zero or more can be selected.
LayotManager The LayoutManager interface defines methods for classes knowing how
t o layout Containers.
LayoutManager2 LayoutManager2 provides an interface for classes that know how to
layout Containers based on a layout constraints object. It extends the
LayoutManager interface to handle layouts explicitly in terms of
constraint objects that specify how and where components should be
added to the layout.
MenuContainer The MenuContainer interface provides methods for all menu related
c ontainers.
The Shape interface provides definitions for graphical objects that
r epresent some kind of geometric shapes.
The AWTEvent class is the root event for all AWT related
e vents.
The AWTEventMulsticaster class provides a mechanism for
efficient and thread-safe multi-cast event dispatching for the
AWT events included in the java.awt.event package.
The BorderLayout lays out a container, arranging and resizing
its components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and
c enter.
The Button class represents a labeled button.
The Canvas class represents a blank rectangular area of the
screen onto which the application can draw or from which the
application can trap input events from the user.
The CardLayout lays out a container, arranging each
component in the container as a card where only one card is
v isible at a time.
The Checkbox class represents a graphical component that can
b e in either an "on" (true) or "off" (false) state.
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