Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Best on Film
Key L
y Largo ((19948) B
8) Bogart, B
, Bacall a
all and a lo
d a lot o
t of n
f neon--soaaked n
d noiir.
SScarface ((1983) Al P
983) Al Paciino t
o tuurns th
s the A
e Ameriican D
n Dream in
m into a n
o a nigh
TThe B
e Biirddcage ((1996) R
996) Roobin W
in Willia
illiams a
s and Na
d Natthan L
n Lane a
e as g
s gay lo
y lovers.
TThere's So
s Sometthiing Ab
g About Ma
ut Mary ((1998) O
998) On lo
n love, Mia
, Miami a
i and h
d hair g
ir gel.
Addaptatiion ((20002) Sur
2) Surreal a
al addaptiion o
n of TThe e Orcchid Th
id Thiief.
Porrky's ((1982) High
982) High--scchool k
ol kids w
ids want dr
t druugs a
s and s
d sex.
Best in Print
dia! ((Karen R
n Ruussell) T
ell) Tragiicomic s
ic saga o
a of a f
f a family o
ily of E
f Evergla
gladdes allig
s alligator
Cold C
old Case S
e Squa
quad ((Eddna B
a Buch
uchanan) Mia
) Miami n
i noiir.
Contiinental D
al Driift ((Ruussell B
ell Bannks) Ne
) New Ha
w Hampsshiire w
e worrker fle
r flees f
s for sh
r shallo
allow p
w promm-
iises in Flo
s in Florida
TThe E
e Evergla
gladdes: R
: Riiver o
r of G
f Grass (Ma
(Marjory St
y Stoneman D
n Dougla
uglas) R
) Rich t
ich triibuute t
e to th
o the
Gladdes, w
, wriitten in 1
n in 19947.
HHoot (Carl Hia
rl Hiaasen) Hia
) Hiaasen o
n on k
n kids
ids, C
, Coconut G
ut Grove, c
, conservatiion a
n and s
d spotted
SShaddow C
w Couuntry ((Peter Ma
r Mattthiiessen) Th
) The A
e Ameriican W
n Western r
n reframed in th
d in the Flo
e Florr-
ida s
ida swamps.
92 in th
2 in the Sh
e Shadde (TThomas Mc
s McGuuane) Th
) This t
is tale o
ale of r
f riival f
al fish
ishermen m
n may b
y be th
e the ult
e ultii-
mate K
e Key W
y West n
t novel.
Best in Media
Miami He
i Herald
ald ( www.miiamiiherald. )
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