Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
If you go diving in the Keys, Florida state law requires you to raise a 'Diver Down' flag on
the boat whenever you are underwater. If you don't have one, they can be bought at any
Keys dive shop.
1 Sights & Activities
Florida Keys Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center WILDLIFE RESERVE
( ; 93600 Overseas Hwy, MM 93.6; suggested donation $5; h sunrise-sunset;
pc ) S
This sanctuary is the first of many animal hospitals you'll come across built by critter-lov-
ing Samaritans throughout the Keys. You'll find an alfresco bird hospital that cares for
birds that have swallowed fish hooks, had wings clipped in accidents, been shot by BB
pellets etc. A pretty trail leads back to a nice vista of Florida Bay and a wading bird pond.
Just be warned, it does smell like bird doo back here.
Harry Harris Park PARK
(MM 93.5; h sunrise-sunset; c )
This small park is a good place to take the kids - there's a small playground, a picnic table
and other such accoutrements. Rare for the Keys, there's also a good patch of white sand
fronting a warm lagoon that's excellent for swimming.
Caribbean Club Bar FILM LOCATION
( %; MM 104 bayside; h 7am-4am)
Here's one for the movie fans, particularly Bogie buffs: the Caribbean Club Bar is, in fact,
the only place in Key Largo where Key Largo, starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bac-
all, was filmed (the rest of the island was a Hollywood soundstage). If that's not enough,
the original African Queen, of the same-titled movie, is docked in a channel at the Holiday
Inn at MM 100 - just walk around the back and there she is.
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