Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Florida Keys & Key West
Why Go?
If Florida is a state apart from the USA, the Keys are islands apart from Florida - in other
words, it's different down here. They march to the beat of their own drum, or Alabama
country band, or Jimmy Buffett single, or Bahamanian steel calypso set... This is a place
where those who reject everyday life on the mainland escape. What do they find? About
113 mangrove-and-sandbar islands where the white sun melts over tight fists of deep green
mangroves; long, gloriously soft mudflats and tidal bars; water as teal as Arizona tur-
quoise; and a bunch of people often like themselves: freaks, geeks and lovable weirdoes
Key West is still defined by its motto, which we love - One Human Family - an ideal
that equals a tolerant, accepting ethos where anything goes and life is always a party (or at
least a hungover day after). The color scheme: watercolor pastels cooled by breezes on a
sunset-kissed Bahamian porch. Welcome to the End of the USA.
Have a drink.
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