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all the threads in a bundle belong to the same thread group, and by (ii) providing each
service client with a proxy that executes the service methods within the same thread
group. Secondly, a planning component interprets ECA rules specifying adaptation ac-
tions (used to start, stop and configure bundles) to be executed in response to specific
events and given conditions. Finally, an execution component applies these actions to
their target components.
Component & Service Agent Model
The characteristic new approach advocated in this work is to address the lack of com-
mon adaptation mechanisms in component & service frameworks by leveraging their
previously unexploited similarities with the BDI agent model.
The previous two sections allows us to draw many similarities between agent and
component & service-based frameworks: while the first favours the construction of ap-
plications in terms of loosely coupled, autonomous entities (the agents), each agent
is still a managed entity within an agent platform - just as components are managed
within their container. Furthermore, similarly to the separation between goals and plans
in agent systems, the decoupling between component's services and their actual imple-
mentation is the key to the creation of adaptive software systems.
In order to inform the design of a new generation of frameworks for adaptive soft-
ware systems, and before dwelling on the details of its OSGi-based implementation
( Self -OSGi), this section translates the BDI model into general component & service
Modular Belief Model
Rather than storing all the agent's beliefs into a single, centralized belief set, a compo-
nent & service-based organization can be used to access and distribute the processing of
information across the system. Specifically, an agent may use a number of sensor com-
ponents to interface with its environment. Each of these components produces data that
can be exported with any of the collaboration styles afforded by mainstream component
& service-enabling technologies (procedural calls, messaging, events). This informa-
tion can be fed to other perception components, for instance, to infer situations or test
conditions involving multiple beliefs, thus enabling a variety of perception architectures
to fit with the sensors available to the agent and also with the run-time requirements
posed by its specific perceptual processes.
Service Goal Model
A Service Goal is informally defined as the interface of a service that may be used to
achieve one of the agent's goals .
Service goals may represent either: (i) sub-goals defining the desired conditions to
bring about in the world and/or in the system's state (for instance, the service (void)
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