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for an agent a , compared to other agents in A . If the possibility weights of two agents
are equal, say 0.2 and 0.8 for trust ratings τ and τ , and the number of interactions with
the first agent is much higher than the second agent, we should give more credit to the
first agent's reported distribution of Π a→a D ( τ ) ,
T . However, the current model
is unable of doing so. Therefore, we propose to use a Trust Event Coefficient for each
trust value τ , denoted by TEC ( τ ) , in order to consider the number of interactions, which
1) If m τ =0 , TEC ( τ )=0
2) If Π a S
a ( τ )=0 , TEC ( τ )=0
3) If m τ
TEC ( τ )
m τ , TEC ( τ )
Π a S →a ( τ ) ,
4) If m τ = m τ
and Π a S →a ( τ )
TEC ( τ ) ,
TEC ( τ )
where τ
T P O a , m τ is the frequency of the trust rating τ in the interactions between
agents a S and a . Considering conditions 1) and 2), if the number of occurrences of trust
rating τ or its corresponding possibility is 0, then TEC ( τ ) is also zero. Condition 3)
increases the value of TEC by increasing the number of occurrences of trust rating τ .As
observed in Condition 4), if the number of observances of two trust ratings, τ and τ are
equal, then the trust rating with higher possibility is given the priority. When comparing
the number of interactions and the possibility value of Π a S
→a ( τ ) , the priority is given
first to number of the interactions, and then, to the the possibility value of Π a S
→a ( τ )
in order to avoid giving preference to the possibility values driven out of few interac-
tions. The following formula is an example of a TEC function which satisfies the above
TEC ( τ )= 0 , m τ =0 or Π a S
→a ( τ )=0
m τ )] (1 /m τ ) + Π a S →a ( τ )
[1 / ( γ
where γ> 1 is the discount factor and χ
1 . Higher values of γ impede the
convergence of TEC ( τ ) to one and vice-versa. χ which is a very large value insures that
the influence of Π a S
→a ( τ ) on TEC ( τ ) remains trivial and is noticeable only when the
number of interactions are equal. In this formula, as m τ grows, TEC ( τ ) converges to
one. TEC ( τ ) can be utilized as a coefficient for trust rating τ when comparing different
agents. Note that the General Case mentioned above gives the guidelines for merging
successive possibility distributions and TEC feature is only used as an attribute when
the number of interactions should be considered and can be ignored otherwise.
Possibility Distribution of Agent a S 's Trust in Agent a D
approaches for
Π a S →a D ( τ ) ,
T considering different available possible choices. The first ap-
proach is to consider all K possibility distributions of Π a S →a D ( τ ) ,
T and take the
weighted mean of them by giving each distribution Π a S →a D ( τ ) ,
T a weight equal
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