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Theorem 4. Given a cmRCD-network N =( N c ,
S x ,
S y ) , the algorithm con - cmRCD
returns 'consistent' if and only if N is consistent.
Proof. We basically follow the steps of the algorithm. By Theorem 2, N c is consistent
if and only if N r is consistent, and, by Theorem 3, N r is consistent if and only if N x and
N y are consistent (they can be checked independently). Next, N x and N y are consistent
if and only if N x and N y are consistent, since there is no loss in information in the
translations [24]. The consistency of N x and N y can be checked by computing the
corresponding STPs and by applying PC stp . However, we cannot apply PC stp directly
to the STPs toSTP ( N x ) and toSTP ( N x ) since the metric constraints of S x and S y
must be taken into account. Hence, we compute xSTP = intersect ( toSTP ( N x ) ,S x )
and ySTP = intersect ( toSTP ( N x ) ,S y ) . If one of them returns an empty network,
then N is inconsistent. Otherwise, we independently apply PC stp to xSTP and ySTP .
By Theorem 1, if one of the two applications of PC stp returns an empty network, then
N is inconsistent; otherwise, the path-consistent STPs xSTP min and ySTP min are
consistent (and minimal), and thus N is consistent.
Theorem 5. The complexity of the algorithm con - cmRCD is O ( n 3 ) ,where n is the
number of variables of the input network.
Proof. The translation via toRA , the generation of a projection of a network, the trans-
formation of an IA-network into an RA-network via toPA , and the last two encodings
via toSTP require O ( n 2 ) steps, since there are O ( n 2 ) constraints and each constraint
can be translated in constant time. The function toPA introduces two variables for each
interval variable, so xSTP and ySTP have O ( n ) variables each. Finally, PC stp runs
in O ( n 3 ) time, so the overall complexity is O ( n 3 ) time (for further details about the
complexity of achieving path-consistency for combined networks see [16]).
Once we have computed the path-consistent STPs xSTP min and ySTP min with algo-
rithm con - cmRCD , we can build a solution to the cmRCD-network N by computing
a solution for the points in xSTP min and ySTP min , since the assignment for point
variables defines a consistent assignment for rectangle variables (see Example 1). To
this end, the O ( n 3 ) algorithm STP - SOLUTION , by Gerevini and Cristani [9], can be
A Case Study for the cmRCD-Calculus
Given its distinctive features, the cmRCD-calculus is well-suited for all application
areas where minimal bounding rectangles can be successfully exploited. This is the
case, for instance, with spatial databases [10,21], information extraction from formatted
documents [8,20], and 2D-layout design [3,4,17]. We would also like to mention the
application of convex RCD-calculus (the qualitative fragment of cmRCD-calculus) to
the problem querying and extracting data from web documents reported in [20]. We
believe that, in view of its well-balanced combination of efficiency and expressiveness,
cmRCD-calculus can be naturally and successfully applied to this class of problems as
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