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In this section, we briefly review basic notions on constraint networks and the main
calculi regarding qualitative relations on points, intervals and rectangles.
Temporal (resp., spatial) knowledge is commonly represented in a qualitative cal-
culus by means of a qualitative network consisting of a complete constraint-labeled
digraph N =( V,C ) ,where V =
v 1 ,...,v n }
is a finite set of variables, interpreted
over an infinite domain D , and the labeled edges in C specify the constraints defin-
ing qualitative temporal (resp., spatial) configurations. An edge from v i to v j labeled
with R corresponds to the constraint v i Rv j ,where R denotes a binary relation over
D which restricts the possible values for the pair of variables ( v i ,v j ) .Thefullsetof
relations of the calculus is usually taken as the powerset 2 B ,where
is a finite set of
2 B is of
binary basic relations that forms a partition of D
D . Thus, a relation R
the form R =
, where each r i is a basic relation, and R represents the
union of the basic relations it contains. If m =1 , we call R a basic relation ;other-
wise ( m> 1 ),wecallita disjunctive relation . A special case of disjunctive relation
is the universal relation , denoted by '?', which contains all the basic relations. A basic
constraint v i {
r 1 ,...,r m }
v j expresses definite knowledge about the values that the two vari-
ables v i ,v j can take, while a disjunctive constraint v i {
v j expresses indefi-
nite or imprecise knowledge about these values. In particular, the universal constraint
v i ? v j states that the relation between v i an v j is totally unknown. From a logical point
of view, a disjunctive constraint v i {
r 1 ,...,r m }
r 1 ,...,r m }
v j can be viewed as the disjunction
v i {
v j .
An instantiation of the constraints of a qualitative network N is a mapping ι repre-
senting an assignment of domain values to the variables of N . A constraint v i Rv j is
said to be satisfied by an instantiation ι if the pair ( ι ( v i ) ( v j )) belongs to the binary
relation represented by R .A consistent instantiation ,or solution , of a network is an as-
signment of domain values to variables satisfying all the constraints. If such a solution
exists, then the network is consistent, otherwise it is inconsistent.
The main reasoning task in qualitative reasoning is consistency checking ,which
amounts to deciding if a network is consistent. If all relations are considered, consis-
tency checking is usually NP-hard. Hence, finding subsets of 2 B for which consistency
checking turns out to be polynomial ( tractable subsets ) is an important issue to address.
Another common task in qualitative reasoning is computing the unique minimal net-
work equivalent to a given one by determining, for each pair of variables, the strongest
relation (minimal relation ) entailed by the constraints of the network. It can be easily
shown that each basic relation in a minimal network is feasible , i.e., it participates in
some solution of the network. To deal with these tasks, constraint propagation tech-
niques are usually exploited [25,23]. The most prominent method for constraint prop-
agation in qualitative temporal reasoning is the so-called path-consistency algorithm ,
PC-algorithm for short [15]. Such an algorithm refines relations by successively apply-
ing the operation R ij
r 1 }
v j
v i {
r m }
R kj ) for every triple of variables ( v i ,v k ,v j ) ,
until a stable network is reached, where R ij ,R ik ,R kj are the relations constraining the
pair of variables ( v i ,v j ) , ( v i ,v k ) , ( v k ,v j ) , respectively (
R ij
( R ik
stands for the composition of
relations). If the empty relation is obtained during the process, then the input network
is inconsistent; otherwise, we can conclude that the output network is path consistent ,
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