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Fig. 1. J- TRE architecture. The planner collects flaws, selects one of them and solves it by exe-
cuting some DDL code. The planning process will stop in a search space node without flaws.
values overlapping on a state variable, reusable resource oversubscriptions, consumable
resources overproductions or overconsumption, etc. Each time a new node of the search
space is created or new constraints are added to the current search space node, a check
consistency routine is called on each object of the domain and, depending on the ob-
ject itself, further flaws can be added to the current search space node. This procedure
is required in order to remove any further inconsistencies from the timelines scheduling
tokens in time. This technique has been introduced in [4], in which state variables are ob-
served as resources over time and contentions peaks over their continuous representation
are removed by adding precedence constraints among tokens.
While, in our system, there is almost no difference in which flaw is solved first (as far
as we ignore efficiency aspects) because they all have to be solved sooner or later, there
could be serious troubles in how they are solved, especially in case of cyclic problems.
Consider, for example, a simple state variable having At ( l,s,e ) and GoingTo(l,s,e)
as allowed values. Moreover there is a compatibility for predicate At that requires for
each token to start at 0 or to be met by a GoingTo token with same location. Fi-
nally, a compatibility for predicate GoingTo that requires for each token to be met by
a predicate At . We have an initial state with a token At ( l 0 , 0 , [1 , +inf]) and a goal
At ( l 3 , [0 , +inf] , [1 , +inf]) . The planner has to apply related compatibility for the goal
token producing a sub-goal GoingTo ( l 3 , [0 , +inf] , [1 , +inf]) than another sub-goal
At ( l, [0 , +inf] , [1 , +inf]) that can unify with first token or apply another compatibil-
ity resulting in another GoingTo ( l, [0 , +inf] , [1 , +inf]) possiblyleadingtoaninfi-
nite loop planning about the agent going walking around. In short, although scheduling
search space, however exponential, is always finite, it can be the case that compatibility
application space is infinite.
Although a crafty strategy does not exist yet (exception made for some work by Bernar-
dini [15]) the idea we have pursued is to proceed in depth on the search space maintaining
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