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for example, to have a predicate At ( l,s,e ) and a predicate GoingTo ( l,s,e ) . We know
for sure that tokens assuming At and GoingTo values cannot overlap. However, two
tokens both assuming the At value can overlap if and only if their respective parameters
( l , s and e ) are pairwise constrained to be equal. In this case we talk about merging (or,
in some cases, unification )oftokens.
Now let us suppose that we want a rule stating that every time we are going to a given
location we will reach that location. We can enforce such rule by temporally constrain-
ing the GoingTo ( l,s,e ) and the At ( l,s,e ) predicates by means of the Allen's meet
relation having the same location l (see [14]). In other words, for each token t i with a
GoingTo ( l,s,e ) value the planner must ensure that t i meets another token t j with an
At ( l,s,e ) value, either by imposing the meet constraint between t i and t j if they both
exist, or by adding the missing token t j before enforcing the same constraints. This
kind of “rules” are generalized in a concept usually called compatibility (again, here
we use a terminology consistent with [13]). Compatibilities define causal relations that
must be complied to in order for a given token to be valid. Although the syntax can be
quite different among various planners, a compatibility can be recursively defined by
means of a reference predicate and a requirement where a requirement can be a slave
(or target) predicate, a relation among predicates, a conjunction of requirements or, in
rare cases, a disjunction of requirements. It is important to underscore that the com-
patibilities may often involve predicates defined on different timelines, thus allowing
to synchronize concurrent activities on different domain components. Most timeline-
based planners admit only conjunctions of requirements and reproduce disjunctions by
assigning multiple compatibilities to the same predicate.
requirement . In some cases, we will give tokens a specific name and
will address their arguments using a Java style dot notation (i.e., given a token t having
proposition P ( s, e ) its starting point will be expressed as t.s ).
Other commonly used types of timelines are the resources characterized by a re-
source level
, representing the amount of available resource at any given
time, and by a resource capacity
C∈ R
, representing the physical limit of the available
We can identify several types of resources depending on how the resource level can
be increased or decreased in time. A consumable resource is a resource whose level
is increased or decreased by some activities in the system. An example of consumable
resource is a reservoir which is produced when a plan activity “fills” it (i.e., a tank re-
fueling task) as well as consumed if a plan activity “empties” it (i.e., driving a car uses
gas). We model consumable resources through a timeline that has two allowed predi-
cates: a predicate produce ( a, s, e ) to represent a resource production of amount a from
time s to time e and a predicate consume ( a, s, e ) to represent a resource consumption
of amount a from time s to time e . The planner may need to identify an ordering of the
involved activities in order to avoid overproductions (resource level
cannot exceed
) as well as overconsumption (resource level
cannot cannot be lower than
The last commonly used timeline type, quite popular in the scheduling literature,
is the reusable resource . Reusable resources can be modeled as consumable resources
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