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equal to the path on the forward run. We are currently tackling this problem by exploit-
ing swarm intelligence: Successful discovered “Trails” are stored and updated in each
vertex visited during shortest path computation. Another search will then be able to
reuse information from previous successful attempts.
While we believe our algorithm is generic, we will integrate our algorithm into a
larger system for developing and evaluating novel V2X applications (see Figure 6). This
work is part of the network layer in Figure 6. Current network protocols are intended
to broadcast (mostly) safety related information as quickly as possible over the ad-hoc
network. When the driver or the system requests information available somewhere in
the network, the task gets more challenging. This addresses questions on how to find
the relevant information in a highly dynamic ad-hoc network and how to route back
information once it is found. It also addresses dissemination and caching of information
within the ad-hoc network. We approach these challenges by transferring them to graph
theory and use results from this field of research as well as from the target domain
in order to combine successful approaches from both resulting in a more performant
Large scale field tests for testing and evaluating V2X technology and its applications
are expensive and potentially dangerous. This is why a lot of research in the past has
focused on the simulation of the underlying network communication in order to test spe-
cific use-cases in the lab before they get integrated into real cars. To simulate a use-case,
like a local danger warning for example, it requires more than one simulator: Network
simulation, traffic simulation and environment simulation have to be coordinated. This
work is done in simulation layer as depicted in Figure 6.
V2X technology itself constitutes enormous potential for another kind of use-case
beyond todays approach. Up to now, information in V2X projects is primarily “pushed”
from sender to receiver in order to disseminate messages and warnings over the ad-hoc
network. The driver remains more or less passive in this process. Value-added services
like parking or urban information are not based on V2V in today's paradigm. These use-
cases rely on mobile connections (UMTS). Other interactive applications like enabling
voice chat between cars on the basis of V2X are actually not a novel approach, but only a
different technical realization of an established use-case (communication between truck
drivers). Providing V2X technology to the drivers could, however, largely increase the
acceptance and open a wide range of additional use-cases. Here, many questions also
remain unaddressed so far. What applications are possible with this technology being
available to the driver? Which of them are accepted by and useful for drivers? What is
the applications effect on safety? The usage of which modalities is suitable in a specific
driving context? The answer could be different depending on the current traffic situation
(stationary vs. moving vehicle).
The framework layer in Figure 6 serves as a basis for addressing the human factor is-
sues discussed above that are related to V2X applications. At the same time, it considers
the specific limitations and requirements of the V2X technology. Using this platform,
traditional and novel applications for V2X technology will be developed and evaluated.
Novel in the sense, that we open the V2X technology to the user. This will go beyond
established “Push-Applications” and introduce a paradigm shift to “Pull-Applications”.
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