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on a platform independent agent core DSL and provides generic extension interfaces
for integrating results from agent research as well as for customizing it regarding user-
specific application domains, AOSE methods, and target platforms. Section 3 provided
an overview of B OCHICA and presented an iterative adaptation process for integrating
conceptual extensions. The framework interfaces were introduced in Section 4. We eval-
uated B OCHICA at the application domain of agents in semantically-enhanced virtual
worlds. Our experience showed that around 10% of new concepts and mapping rules
were necessary to create a development environment which enables efficient modeling
of ISReal agents. We see our approach as a contribution to the unification of the diverse
field of agent-oriented modeling and to bridge agent research and concrete software de-
velopment. In the future, we want to integrate existing agent methodologies and work
on collaborative modeling of agent-based systems.
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3. Belecheanu, R.A., et al.: Commercial applications of agents: Lessons, experiences and
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4. Jennings, N.R., Wooldridge, M.: Agent-Oriented Software Engineering. Artificial Intelli-
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5. McKean, J., et al.: Technology diffusion: analysing the diffusion of agent technologies. Au-
tonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 17, 372-396 (2008)
6. Hahn, C., et al.: A platform-independent metamodel for multiagent systems. Autonomous
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7. Leon-Soto, E.: A Model-Driven Approach for Executing Modular Interaction Protocols Us-
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8. Steinberg, D., et al.: EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework, 2nd revised edn. Addison-Wesley
9. Sterling, L., et al.: The Art of Agent-Oriented Modeling. The MIT Press (2009)
10. Padgham, L., et al.: Developing Intelligent Agent Systems: A Practical Guide. John Wiley &
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11. Kapahnke, P., Liedtke, P., Nesbigall, S., Warwas, S., Klusch, M.: ISReal: An Open Platform
for Semantic-Based 3D Simulations in the 3D Internet. In: Patel-Schneider, P.F., Pan, Y.,
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LNCS, vol. 6497, pp. 161-176. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
12. Kardas, G., Ekinci, E.E., Afsar, B., Dikenelli, O., Topaloglu, N.Y.: Modeling Tools for Plat-
form Specific Design of Multi-Agent Systems. In: Braubach, L., van der Hoek, W., Petta, P.,
Pokahr, A. (eds.) MATES 2009. LNCS, vol. 5774, pp. 202-207. Springer, Heidelberg (2009)
13. Dikenelli, O.: SEAGENT MAS platform development environment. In: Proc. of the 7th Int.
Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: Demo Papers, AAMAS 2008,
pp. 1671-1672. IFAAMAS (2008)
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