Information Technology Reference
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Fig. 1. a) depicts how B OCHICA relates to the abstraction layers defined by MDA ( Computa-
tional Independent Models (CIM) , Platform Independent Models (PIM), Platform Specific Mod-
els (PSM) ). b) visualizes the idea behind the B OCHICA core DSL and 3rd party extensions.
that agent technology can embody concepts like goals, roles, and organizational struc-
tures in order to build modeling languages of the next higher level of abstraction.
Framework Overview
TheroleofB OCHICA in the overall software development process is to provide the
means for capturing the design decisions of a SUC and bridging the gap between de-
sign and code. Figure 1 a) depicts how the framework is aligned to the abstraction layers
defined by MDA. The agent-oriented modeling language underlying B OCHICA defines
the concepts which are available for modeling a SUC (see Figure 1 b). So called base
transformations are responsible for mapping the concepts of the B OCHICA core DSL
to different agent platforms. In real world applications, an agent platform usually does
not exist in isolation. As an agent platform is integrated into a larger execution environ-
ment, the core DSL gets extended with additional concepts to address the features of
that execution environment. Moreover, a so called extension transformation defines ad-
ditional conceptual mappings for the new concepts which complement an existing base
transformation. The underlying idea is to reuse large parts of the existing infrastructure.
The separation into a core modeling language and 3rd party extensions prevents the core
DSL from getting cluttered with highly specialized concepts that are only relevant for a
small number of applications (and thus, would make the language unusable over time).
In the following, we provide a brief overview of the B OCHICA core DSL and introduce
an iterative adaptation process for integrating conceptual extensions into B OCHICA .
Core DSL
The B OCHICA core DSL is based on the Domain Specific Modeling Language for Mul-
tiagent Systems (D SML 4M AS )[6].D SML 4M AS is a platform independent graphical
modeling language and covers the core aspects of MAS, such as agents and organi-
zations, interaction protocols, goals, behaviors, deployment aspects, etc. Its abstract
syntax is defined by the Platform Independent Metamodel for Agents (P IM 4A GENTS ).
Language 2
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