Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Default Field Set dialog box
Table Behavior : There are numerous properties that can be set to control the
behavior for a particular table:
° Row Identifier : This is used to determine which column in the table
is the primary key (unique identifier); this column must not have any
blank values.
° Keep Unique Rows : This lets you define which column or columns
in the table should be used to establish unique rows when reporting,
even if the column or columns have duplicates. For example, if two
customers have the same first and last name, choose the first and last
name fields for Keep Unique Rows so that they are treated as two
distinct customers instead of being grouped together.
° Default Label : This allows you to provide a display name for each
unique row in the table. For example, you can specify a customer's
name as the display name for a customer record. Power View reports
such as tiles that use labels will emphasize this display name on the
report (for example, use a bigger font for the display name).
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