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In the era of modern technology and changing in consumers' demand shifted the
food habits and consumption. Consumers inclined towards the food products, which
have high nutritional values along with freshness, safety, and extended shelf life. In
the near future, the minimally processed foods are to be engulfed the global mar-
kets. The introduction of latest and reliable technologies such as non-thermal treat-
ments assists in minimizing the quality degradation of foods and making full usage
of the available resources.
The market of minimally processed foods has grown rapidly in recent years due
to the health benefi ts and convenience associated with these foods. Its growth has
increased the awareness regarding microbiological and physiological aspects asso-
ciated with the quality. The consumerism tendency depends on multi-factors as
nutritional value, simplicity, safety, and convenience. All these characteristics
must be considered in minimal processing. Minimally processed foods have
formed the well-established market and engulf the capital investment. The various
schemes of research and development targeting the agricultural products have been
established that provides long life to short life perishable and improves the quality
of short life foods.
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aging to preserve the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables. Stewart Postharvest Rev 4(3):1-9
Ayala Zavala JF, González Aguilar GA (2010) Optimizing the use of garlic oil as antimicrobial
agent on fresh cut tomato through a controlled release system. J Food Sci 75(7):M398-M405
Bai J, Baldwin EA, Fortuny RCS, Mattheis JP, Stanley R, Perera C, Brecht JK (2004) Effect of
pretreatment of intact 'gala' apple with ethanol vapor, heat, or 1-methylcyclopropene on qual-
ity and shelf life of fresh-cut slices. J Am Soc Hortic Sci 129(4):583-593
Bansal V, Sharma A, Ghanshyam C, Singla ML (2014) Coupling of chromatographic analyses
with pretreatment for the determination of bioactive compounds in Emblicaoffi cinalis juice.
Anal Methods 6(2):410-418
Beaulieu JC, Gorny JR (2001) Fresh-cut fruits. The commercial storage of fruits, vegetables, and
fl orist and nursery stocks. USDA Handb 66:1-49
Cantos E, Espín JC, Tomás-Barberán FA (2001) Postharvest induction modeling method using UV
irradiation pulses for obtaining resveratrol-enriched table grapes: a new 'functional' fruit?
J Agric Food Chem 49:5052-5058
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