Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Regional pattern of the agricultural impact: Scenaro one
Scenaro one follows from the assumpton that ncreased mports of land-
ntensve products resultng from WTO entry wll manly substtute for
domestc producton n the provnces that lack comparatve advantage
in these products. On the basis of this assumption, as well as discussion
of the rationale for distribution of the export promoting effects, we may
compare the agrcultural trade mpacts for provnces and regons n the
different quadrants in Figure 3.5.
Seven provinces and regions (Hainan, Liaoning, Guangxi, Hebei, Hubei,
Jangx and Jln) located n the north-east quadrant are lkely to have the
best outcome from the agrcultural lberalsaton. As these provnces appear
to have comparative advantage in labour-intensive agricultural products,
Figure 3.5 Regional pattern of the agricultural impact: scenario one
Adjustment costs from the possible import surge
Fujian, Guangdong,
Shanghai, Shandong
Tianjin, Zhejiang
Hainan, Jilin,
Guangxi Liaoning,
Hubei, Hebei,
Jiangsu, Hunan
Sichuan, Chongqing
Guizhou, Xizang
Inner Mongolia,
Ningxia, Qinghai,
Shanxi, Shaanxi,
Anhui, Yunnan,
Gansu, Henan
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