Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Yu, Wusheng, and Frandsen, S.E., 2002. China's WTO commitments in
agriculture: does the impact depend on OECD agricultural policies,
Paper presented at the 5th conference on global economic analysis,
Taipei, 5-7 June.
Zhang, Ci and Yong Li, 1998. '214 yi, haoda ge liangkuang kulong (21.4 bllon:
what a big hole for grain funds)', Cai Jing (Finance), October:12-17.
Zhou, Jian-Ming, 1998. Is nominal public but de facto private land ownership
appropriate? Comparative study among Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam;
Japan, Taiwan Province of China, South Korea; China, Myanmar; and
North Korea , EUI Working Paper ECO No. 98/12, Economics Department,
European University Institute, Florence.
Zhou, Zhangyue, 2001. 'Joining WTO and China's food security', Association
for Chinese Economic Studies (Australia) Newsletter , 3.
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