Java Reference
In-Depth Information
NetBeans Netisgo
Netisgo ( ) is a plugin for NetBeans that
forms a bridge between the NetBeans module system and OSG i. It allows native mod-
ules and OSG i bundles to interoperate by mapping their metadata at runtime. Net-
Beans also provides templates for simple Ant- or Maven-based OSG i builds.
Maven Tycho
Tycho ( ) is a collection of plugins specifically developed for
building Eclipse plugins, applications, and update sites in Maven. Its primary goal is to
make the command line build match the Eclipse IDE build by replacing the standard
Maven dependency resolution by a P2-based resolver. Developers can choose between
an Eclipse style manifest-first approach or a maven-bundle-plugin style pom-first
approach. Management of target platforms is also much easier with Tycho: add your
required dependencies, and it will compute and download the appropriate target
platform for you.
Spring Bundlor
Bundlor ( ) is an alternative to bnd that works
with Ant, Maven, and Eclipse. Like bnd, it generates the bundle manifest from a rec-
ipe and uses instructions based on OSG i headers, but it uses a different syntax to con-
trol the results. Bundlor also scans non-Java dependencies like Spring or Blueprint
configuration files to find references that don't appear in Java code but still need to
be imported into the bundle.
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