Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Having described the general registry architecture, let's look more closely at the
ExportedServiceTracker , which handles the task of exporting local services with the
service.exported.interfaces service property into the remote registry.
The ExportedServiceTracker class extends the ServiceTracker class you met in
chapter 4. As the name implies, it tracks any services that have been marked for
export. Here's how you do this.
Listing 15.13 Constructing an exported service tracker
public ExportedServiceTracker(BundleContext ctx, Registry registry,
String[] intents, String[] configs) {
super(ctx, createFilter(ctx), null);
this.ctx = ctx;
this.registry = registry;
this.intents = intents == null ? new String[0] : intents;
this.configs = configs == null ? new String[0] : configs;
private static Filter createFilter(BundleContext ctx) {
try {
return ctx.createFilter("(service.exported.interfaces=*)");
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
You call the ServiceTracker constructor, passing in an LDAP filter that you create to
match all services with a service.exported.interfaces attribute of any value; the *
is interpreted by the LDAP syntax to be a wildcard that matches any value. Then you
store the intents and configurations supported by your remote registry. You'll see a lit-
tle later how these are derived; for now, let's look at the overridden addingService()
method in the next listing.
Listing 15.14 Dealing with new exported services
public Object addingService(ServiceReference ref) {
Object svc = super.addingService(ref);
if (isValidService(ref)) {
String[] ifaces = findExportedInterfaces(ref);
for (String iface : ifaces) {
registry.registerService(ref, iface, svc);
return svc;
This method is called by the ServiceTracker super-class whenever a service published
in the OSG i service registry matches the filter specified in listing 15.13. In this method,
you first get a reference to the matching service by calling the addingService()
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