Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 15.2
Parameters supported by the Web URL Handler
Desired symbolic name for the resulting WAB.
Version of the resulting WAB. The value of this parameter must fol-
low OSGi versioning syntax.
Desired bundle manifest version. Currently, the only valid value for
this parameter is 2 .
List of packages on which the WAR file depends.
Context path from which the servlet container should serve content
from the resulting WAB. If the input JAR is already a WAB, this
parameter is optional but may be used to override the context path.
Otherwise, it must be specified.
In the first half of this chapter, we've looked at a range of web-application technolo-
gies and shown how they can be integrated with OSG i. We've highlighted a number of
Using the HTTP Service to provide static and dynamic content
The benefits modularity brings at execution time due to improved memory
consumption from the use of shared classes
Flexible collaboration between functional units due to the use of service patterns
Converting WAR -style applications to WAB s using OSG i R4.2 Enterprise features
In the second half of this chapter, we'll turn our attention to making OSG i services avail-
able across process boundaries—that is, how to build distributed OSG i applications.
Providing and consuming web services
Until this point in the topic, all your applications have resided in a single JVM process;
but this is rarely the case for web-based applications. The entire ethos of internet-based
development is predicated on distributed processes communicating over network pro-
tocols. You saw how to do this at a low level in chapter 3, where you built a simple telnet
implementation. But this is the early twenty-first century, and the zeitgeist for distributed
computing today is web services. In this section, we'll investigate OSG i-based technolo-
gies for communicating between JVM processes using web-service protocols.
Obviously, we'll only be able to scratch the surface of distributed computing,
because the topic is too large and complex to cover in a single section of a chapter.
Instead of going into a lot of detail about specific web-service protocols or technologies,
we'll introduce you to some of the key features of the Remote Services specification,
which is another specification in the OSG i R4.2 Enterprise specification.
The Remote Services specification and its sibling specifications, Remote Services
Admin and SCA Configuration Type, provide a comprehensive model for building dis-
tributed computer systems in OSG i. Their key purpose is to provide a common model
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