Java Reference
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service.registerResources("/images", "/images", null);
} catch (NamespaceException e) {
LogService.LOG_WARNING, "Failed to register static content", e);
private void unregister(HttpService service) {
The i POJO runtime automatically injects the Log Service into the s_log field and uses
the addHttpService() and removeHttpService() methods to bind and unbind
(respectively) the HTTP Service. The ResourceBinder component responds to lifecycle
events B . The real work, for this example, is done when you register content from the
/html directory within your bundle to the root context of the HTTP Service C . In other
words, the file /html/index.html from within your bundle is served as /index.html from
the HTTP Service. You unregister it when the service is removed or the component is
deactivated D . What does the end result look like? Figure 15.2 shows the service- and
bundle-level dependencies of the ResourceBinder component.
To see this example running, go into the chapter15/httpservice/ directory of the
topic's companion code. Type ant to build the example and java -Dorg.osgi.
service.http.port=8080 -jar launcher.jar bundles to execute it. In addition to
using i POJO , this example uses the Apache Felix HTTP Service ( http://felix. ) and Apache Felix Log Service ( http:
// ) implementations.
After launching the example, navigate to http://localhost:8080/index.html; you
should see the web page shown in figure 15.3.
HTTP resource bundle
HttpService bundle
Log service bundle
Figure 15.2 The ResourceBinder has a mandatory
dependency on the HTTP Service for providing content
and an optional dependency on the Log Service for
logging errors.
Figure 15.3 Static content served from the
OSGi HTTP Service
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