Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 14.5 Secured
paint program with an un-
signed circle bundle and
a signed square bundle
Finally, to show that core-signed bundles can provide shapes without prompting the
user, install and start the square bundle:
-> install file:paint-example/square-4.0.jar
Bundle: 11
-> start 11
You should now have a paint program with circle and square shapes, as shown in fig-
ure 14.5.
Congratulations! If you've made it this far, you know just about everything there is
to know about securing your OSG i-based applications. Just do it!
In this chapter, we introduced you to the Java security model and showed how OSG i
uses it to provide the infrastructure to deploy and manage applications that must run
in secure environments. You've learned the following:
It's important to have security in mind when you're writing bundles, because oth-
erwise they probably won't be good citizens in a security-enabled environment.
Java security provides the foundation of the OSG i security model.
OSG i provides the necessary permissions to express security policies for bundles
with respect to the three key layers of the OSG i framework: module, lifecycle,
and services.
The Conditional Permission Admin Service introduces a new way of managing
security by means of conditions that must be satisfied in order for certain per-
missions to be applicable.
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