Java Reference
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Table 14.7
Certificate DN wildcard matching (continued)
If a wildcard is used standalone, such as
this matches any attributes coming before o and c , regardless of their name or value. For
the example, it's another way to match both of your certificates. This kind of wildcard can
also be combined with the previous:
This also matches all certificates from the baz organization from any country.
The attribute wildcard can be used in a certificate chain and behaves as described earlier,
but when used standalone it matches at most one certificate. For example:
This matches either a bundle signed by another certificate that was signed by your core cer-
tificate or a bundle signed directly by your core certificate. The hyphen wildcard matches
zero or more certificates:
This matches any bundle signed by your core certificate anywhere in the certificate chain.
The rules for certificate matching are also relevant to AdminPermission , discussed in
section 14.3.3. If you recall, AdminPermission accepts an LDAP filter over a limited
number of attributes to describe target bundles. The value for the signer attribute of
the LDAP filter is a DN matching expression.
In addition to DN matching, a BundleSignerCondition will only match if all the cer-
tificates in the chain are trusted or are signed by a trusted certificate. Certificates are
trusted when they're known by the OSG i framework. How do they become known?
Prior to OSG i R4.2 specification, this was implementation-specific; but now the
standard way is to specify keystores containing trusted certificates using the framework configuration property. For
The value is a list of file paths, where the paths are separated by the system-specific
File.pathSeparator . Each file path must point to a JKS keystore, which can't have a
password. The framework uses the keystores as trust repositories to authenticate certif-
icates of trusted signers. The stores must be used only as read-only trust repositories to
access public keys.
You should now understand how to use certificates to sign your bundles and grant
permissions based on the bundle signer. With that out of the way, let's look at how you
can use local permissions to know which permissions a bundle needs.
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