Java Reference
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You have everything in place now, which means we can look into signing bundles to
make them members of one of your domains.
A bundle JAR file can be signed by multiple signers; the signing follows normal Java
JAR signing rules. The only additional constraint for a bundle is that all entries inside
the bundle must be included in the signature, but entries below the META-INF / direc-
tory aren't included. Normal Java JAR file signing allows for partially signed JAR files,
but OSG i doesn't. It's lucky that signing all entries except those below META-INF / is
the default in JAR signing, so you can use the jarsigner tool included in the JDK . The
following will sign a bundle with your core private key:
jarsigner -keystore file:keys.ks \
-storepass foobar -keypass barbaz core-bundle.jar core
Signing another bundle with your third-party private key looks very similar. You specify
the appropriate alias:
jarsigner -keystore file:keys.ks \
-storepass foobar -keypass barbaz third-party-bundle.jar third-party
For verification, you need the keystore containing the certificates. You can use the
jarsigner tool for verification as well:
jarsigner -verify -keystore file:certificates.ks core-bundle.jar
jarsigner -verify -keystore file:certificates.ks third-party-bundle.jar
This command should output jar verified if you've correctly signed the bundles.
Assuming you have, you now have one bundle in the core domain and one in the
third-party domain. This makes it easy for you to grant permissions to either, based on
the signer of a bundle, as you'll see next.
To a s s i g n p e r m i s s i o n s t o b u n d l e s b a s e d o n w h o s i g n e d t h e m , y o u n e e d a c o n d i t i o n .
The OSG i specification defines the BundleSignerCondition for certificate matching,
which is specifically based on DN matching. DN matching can seem somewhat compli-
cated, but it needn't be. We'll discuss the details of it shortly; first, let's look at how you
construct a BundleSignerCondition .
The BundleSignerCondition is initialized with a DN matching expression as
its first argument and an optional second argument of ! . If you specify the excla-
mation mark, it negates the result of the DN matching expression. Consider the
following snippet of an encoded ConditionalPermissionInfo object containing a
BundleSignerCondition :
[org.osgi.service.condpermadmin.BundleSignerCondition "CN=core,O=baz,C=de"]
This matches a bundle on the call stack if it's signed by the core certificate of the
example, which means any permissions associated with this entry will be granted to
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